Can bags under the eyes be removed?

A lower eyelid blepharoplasty designed to reduce the bags under the eyes is accomplished by accessing, debulking, and repositioning the lower eyelid fat pads. The fat pads can be accessed internally so as not to create any external scarring. Depending on the patient, the skin under the eyes and laxity of the lower eyelids can be addressed if necessary. During your consult, Dr. Peyman will discuss the best approach for you. The results of a lower eyelid blepharoplasty are typically permanent; the bags won’t come back.


How long does it take to recover from lower eyelid surgery?

This depends on the approach taken to perform the surgery. If done internally, the recovery is quicker than if done externally. External incisions create more bruising, inflammation and swelling. For this reason, an internal approach is preferred for accessing the fat pads under the eyes. By 2 weeks after surgery the bruising and swelling have both greatly improved and most patients feel comfortable going public.

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Is lower eyelid surgery worth it?

When done correctly, lower eyelid blepharoplasty can be a game changer. The key is keeping the results natural and minimizing scarring. Patients look and feel less tired, more alert, and more confident.

How painful is lower eyelid surgery?

The procedure is well tolerated in an office setting under local anesthesia with some oral sedation. Most patients who have lower eyelid surgery report little to no discomfort the evening of the day of surgery. If there is any aching the day of surgery, Tylenol is recommended. By the next day, almost no one takes any pain medication.

Does lower eyelid surgery remove wrinkles?

Does lower eyelid blepharoplasty remove wrinkles? There are ways to tighten the skin in addition to debulking and repositioning the fat under the eyes. Depending on the patient’s skin tone, laser skin resurfacing may be the most natural way to tighten the skin under eyes. This method minimizes any risk for scarring and keeps the lower eyelid contour the same. Other patients may need a small amount of skin removed. Dr. Peyman will discuss the best approach for you at your consultation.

What is a good age for blepharoplasty?

Patients may notice the bags under their eyes starting in their early 30s. It generally progresses over time becoming more noticeable. Blepharoplasty is safe to perform in much older patients if they are healthy and cleared by their primary care physician. There may be non-surgical approaches that could also be effective in masking the bags using fillers. Dr. Peyman will let you know the pros and cons of each during your consult.

Does blepharoplasty make you look younger?

The number one reason patients do a lower eyelid blepharoplasty is to look less tired, more alert, and rejuvenated. Not only does it make patients look many years younger; just as importantly, it boosts their self-esteem and confidence.

What can I expect after lower eyelid surgery?

There can be some swelling and bruising below the eyes following surgery. This is usually at its worst the day after surgery, and then quickly improves throughout the week. There is minimal pain following surgery.

Can eye bags return after blepharoplasty?

How long does a lower blepharoplasty last? A lower eyelid blepharoplasty or lower eyelid bag removal has permanent effects. Patients rarely need any additional surgery.

Are you put to sleep for a lower eyelid blepharoplasty?

The procedure is well tolerated in an office setting under local anesthesia with some oral sedation. Patients are alert enough to be able to open and close their eyes and look in different directions when asked.

Can a lower eyelid blepharoplasty be done in the office?

Yes, it can be done safely, effectively, and painlessly in the office setting with local anesthesia and oral sedation.

Can you eliminate under eye bags without surgery?

While there may be some fluctuation in the degree of prominence under the eyes, depending on allergies, lack of sleep, crying, and eye rubbing, there are limits to how much improvement there is based on what we do or don’t do. Ultimately, the bags need to be debulked and repositioned surgically, or masked with filler to eliminate them.

Can I drive myself home after blepharoplasty?

Patients should not drive the day of surgery. It is best to have a ride home that day.