Eyelid Surgery

The eyelids consist of a delicate layered anatomy which allows them to dynamically open and close to protect the eye. Redundancy in the skin, deficiency or hyperactivity of the muscle function, and/or prolapsed fat tissue can cause differences in how the eyelids appear and function. The ability to diagnose the underlying problem and effectively treat the condition depends upon an appropriately trained and experienced surgeon dedicated to the eyelids.

Why would I want eyelid surgery?

We see patients with a spectrum of different eyelid concerns which commonly need to be addressed surgically and sometimes medically. Whether to establish a rejuvenated appearance, help you enhance your scope of vision, or restore more natural eyelid physiology, surgery may be indicated.

What types of eyelid surgery are available?

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty – designed to reduce redundancy in the upper eyelid skin exposing more of the upper eyelid platform restoring a more youthful appearance.

Upper eyelid ptosis surgery – designed to lift the upper eyelid to enhance peripheral vision and/or restore symmetry of the upper eyelids.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty – designed to reduce the three fat pads creating the bags under the eyes. May include lower eyelid tightening, skin reduction, and/or laser skin resurfacing to tighten lower eyelid skin in the most natural way possible customized to the individual patient.

Entropion repair – designed to reposition the eyelid margin to eliminate the irritation caused by lashes rubbing the eye.

Ectropion repair – designed to tighten the eyelid margin to eliminate the tearing and discharge caused by eyelid laxity and eversion.

Eyelid lesion removal/reconstruction – removal of all types of benign and malignant eyelid growths. May involve reconstruction to restore symmetry and functionality of the eyelids if necessary.

What can I expect during my eyelid consultation & procedure?

All patients undergo a thorough examination by Dr. Peyman to assess their eyelid concern(s) and discuss treatment options. During the consultation, all your questions regarding the cause of the condition, treatment options including surgical approaches, benefits and risks of surgery, the recovery process, and what to expect after surgery will all be answered.

At a separate appointment, 2 weeks prior to surgery, preoperative and postoperative written instructions will be provided and discussed to minimize bruising/swelling and ensure a quick recovery. Dr. Peyman will focus on your particular concern and address it with honesty, helping you understand the reasoning behind the recommended procedure.

We feel that patients should be well informed and feel 100% confident that they want to proceed with surgery prior to scheduling. Similarly, Dr. Peyman will only do procedures he feels will help you with your concerns.

Whether in the office or operating room, the utmost care will be taken to ensure patient safety and comfort. All patients undergo a preoperative evaluation by their primary care doctor to make sure they are in optimal health prior to surgery. Sedatives are provided prior and during procedures if needed to minimize anxiety and stress. Local injections are administered in a slow, precise fashion and distraction techniques may be utilized to minimize discomfort.

If it is determined that the case should be performed in an operating room setting, twilight anesthesia is typically administered. Patients will be able to follow commands, such as opening and closing their eyes, to ensure symmetry during the procedure.

Thin, hair like dissolving stitches are typically used to close the delicate eyelid skin. You can expect to receive a phone call by Dr. Peyman the evening of surgery to check if you have any questions or concerns as you begin your recovery.

Would you like fresh eyelids?

Call us today to schedule your consultation! (714) 449-1940